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This reference helps you implement the RESTful LetsJobIt API v2. This API uses a JSON format for output and is capable of handling CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) requests. The API is stateless – all requests are validated against an API token. The API token can be obtained manually from the LetsJobIt app.

URL Naming

The API uses a straight-forward URL naming convention. Each request must be made to the API endpoint (, followed by the type of object in a plural form, e.g.

When one resource is being requested, you have the option to append the ID of the item to the URL, e.g. If you don't append an ID of the item, then all the items for that resource will be returned (paginated, 100 at the time). The API_KEY must be provided as part of the query string for all requests.

Response Format

Each response sent from the API contains a 'meta' object indicating whether the request was carried out or not. If the request was not successful, an optional 'error' parameter (string) may be given. If the request was successful, the response is always contained within a 'data' parameter, and additional metadata is contained inside a 'meta' parameter.

Pagination and Lists

Most of the lists/item collections are paginated. The parameter that controls the pagination is 'pagination', indicating starting page of the next set of records. Within the response, a 'meta' object will be set upon pagination. The 'remainingRecords' parameter will contain remaining records and the parameter 'nextStart' will tell you where to start the next request. If 'nextStart' = 100, then the query parameter 'pagination' should be 100 in the next request you make for the same URI.

How do I...

"How can I fetch all visits, leads, items, etc?" You can fetch all items of any kind from the LetsJobIt API. In order to fetch all visits (or any other resource), you can use the pagination data of our response objects to issue multiple requests in a loop to fetch all visits. You would have to check the 'remainingRecords' parameter in the response 'meta' object, and issue an additional request — only increasing the 'pagination' property by 100 (the hard limit we impose on our API). For example, if your first request ran against &pagination=0, you would have to make the next request with &pagination=100 to get the next 100 items, and continue making requests until the 'remainingRecords' parameter is 0 (zero) in the response.

Request format

You must use JSON body format when performing API requests. In order to do a proper JSON-formatted request, make sure you provide the header "Content-Type": "application/json" as part of your HTTP request.

Rate limiting

Rate limiting is is considered per API KEY. Our API allows you to perform 100 requests per 10 seconds. Every API response includes the following headers:

In case the limit is exceeded for the time window, the LetsJobIt API will return an error response with HTTP code 429 and the headers above.


Get All Visits

curl ""
  -H "Authorization: Bearer MY_API_KEY"
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Make sure to replace MY_API_KEY with your API key

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "meta": {
    "totalRecords": 2000
    "returnedRecords": 100,
    "remainingRecords": 1900,
    "nextStart": 100
  "data": [
        "_id" : "yKQhJZ9B7PTT85kWc",
        "driverId" : "FEn9BJz93svSNPx7p",
        "name" : "Liam",
        "date" : "2020-03-31",
        "totalJobs" : 1,
        "id" : 10816703,
        "docType" : "CALL OUT",
        "docNo" : "H-017623",
        "serviceOrder" : 3,
        "customer" : "The Green Sleeve",
        "siteId" : "30101308",
        "lat" : 57.000000,
        "lng" : -2.000000,
        "site" : "The Green Sleeve",
        "address" : "999 West High Street",
        "postCode" : "AB51 3QR",
        "city" : "INVERURIE",
        "obs" : "Contact Info: The Green Sleeve, John: 01999999999 \r\n AQUARIUS TONE7/3 2001 - Side of the shop\r\nAccess 9am - 5.30pm\r\nNo parking onsite ",
        "contactPerson" : "John",
        "contactPhone" : "01999999999",
        "emailMandatory" : true,
        "priority" : "3",
        "showItemsOnOrderSection" : true,
        "hideEquipmentDetails" : false,
        "hideDeliveryItemsSection" : false,
        "signeeName" : "John",
        "signeeEmail" : "",
        "subContractorIds" : [ 
            "My Subcontractor"
        "territory" : "AB-Aberdeen",
        "useStartPauseStopStyleButtonsInJobs" : true,
        "inMobileApp" : true,
        "NPSMandatory" : true,
        "precedencePriorityVisit" : false,
        "closeVisitOnLastJobClose" : false,
        "country" : "GB",
        "companyId" : "LPeaJNaLQT6RqcFdt",
        "time_windows" : [ 
                "earliest" : 30600,
                "latest" : 64800
        "required_skills" : [ 
            "Hot water technician",
        "allowed_vehicles" : [],
        "confirmClose" : true,
        "inProgress" : false,
        "closed" : true,
        "skipped" : false,
        "geocoding" : null,
        "showDiscountAndBonusOnItemsOnOrder" : false,
        "duration" : 2100,
        "createdAt" : "2020-03-09 15:48:17",
        "createdUser" : "API",
        "hasChangesToSync" : false,
        "modifieddAt" : "2020-03-24 15:45:38",
        "modifyUser" : "2pjP3L3S8JtZhLPoN",
        "servicing" : false,
        "signeeRating" : "5",
        "signature" : "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAAAAAA...",
        "appClientVersion" : "1.7.163",
        "closeDate" : "2020-03-24 15:45",
        "skippedReasonId" : ""

This endpoint retrieves all visits. Visits are the main resource in our API, since they link all the other resources together. Within LetsJobIt, "visits" or "sites" refer to the same thing: it's a customer (address) you must visit to perform a service (repair, delivery, etc.).

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Use the query parameters below to refine your request.

Parameter Format Description Required
pagination string start number (skip) for the query optional
_id string Visit internal id optional
id string Your ERP id optional
date string visit date in "YYYY-MM-DD" format optional
driverId string the id of the driver assigned to the visit optional
docNo string user document number ("contains" search) optional
closed number Visit status: 0 - opened, 1 - closed optional
confirmClose number Determines if the visit was confirmed as closed by your ERP system. LetsJobIt is an offline first app and we like to let our users know if/when their info is synchronised. optional
inProgress number Determines if the visit is in progress. The visit is in progress from the moment the user starts servicing a job until the moment the visit is closed. optional
priority number Visit priority. 1 - high priority, 2 - normal priority, 3 - low priority optional
skipped number If the visit was skipped (postponed): 0 - not skipped, 1 - skipped optional

A visits response contains an object with the following properties:

Parameter Format Description
meta Object metadata about this request
data Object the data returned

The meta object has the following properties:

Parameter Format Description
totalRecords number The total records available
returnedRecords number Returned records count
remainingRecords number Remaining records count
nextStart number Start index of next record

The data object has the following properties:

Parameter Format Description
_id string the internal id of the visit
driverId string The driver id for this visit
name string The driver name for this visit
date string The expected date for this service
totalJobs integer The total jobs (total service items - actionItem type items) attached to this visit
id integer Your ERP id for this visit
docNo string the document number associated with the visit
serviceOrder integer The sequential order in which the service must be done (relative to the other visits). If you use LetsJobIt routing, routes will be sequenced and this value will be overwritten.
customer string The customer name
siteId integer Your ERP customer address id. Useful for integrations.
lat number the address latitude
lng number the address longitude
site string the site (address) description. This can be an add-on to the address field.
address string
postCode string
city string
obs string the visit observations.
contactPerson string the name of the contact person at the customer
contactPhone string the phone number of the contact person at the customer
emailMandatory integer Determines if the email field in the client signature screen is mandatory. 1 for true, 0 for false.
showItemsOnOrderSection number Determines if the items on order section in the job view is visible. 1 to show, 0 to hide.
hideEquipmentDetails number Determines if the equipment details section on the job view (top) is visible. 0 to show, 1 to hide.
signeeName string The name of the customer contact that signed on visit close.
signeeEmail string The email of the customer contact that signed on visit close.
companyId string your company ID as recorded at LetsJobIt
subContractorIds string array The sub-contractor name(s) related with this visit. If more than one, they'll be supplied in a comma separated list. The leftmost name is the sub-contractor to which the visit is intended (or the one that completed the visit). If there is no sub-contractor, this field is returned as null.
confirmClose number Determines if the visit was confirmed as closed by your ERP system. LetsJobIt is an offline first app and we like to let our users know if/when their info is synchronised.
inProgress number Determines if the visit is in progress. The visit is in progress from the moment the user starts servicing a job until the moment the visit is closed.
closed number If the visit is closed. 1 - closed, 0 - opened.
skipped number if the visit was skipped. A skipped visit is a visit that could not be accomplished for any reason (see unsuccessful reasons below - examples: client was closed, wrong address, etc.).
hideDeliveryItemsSection number If the delivery items sections is shown in the job view. 1 - hide, 0 - show.
showDiscountAndBonusOnItemsOnOrder number If 1 (true), a special section is shown below each item to order. The 2 fields shown are "discount" and "Bonus".
priority number the service/delivery priority, from 1 to 10: 1 - highest priority, 10 - lowest priority.
useStartPauseStopStyleButtonsInJobs number If the job shows start/pause/stop buttons as opposed to showing only a start/finish button. This option allows you to pause one job (lunch, have to start another job and come back to this one...) and resume it afterwards.
modifieddAt string the date/time the record was modified.
modifyUser string the user id that last modified the record
duration number The total duration in seconds of all the service jobs in the visit. This duration is only theoretical and corresponds to the durations you've eventually sent for every service job in the visit, for routing purposes.
signeeRating number The 1 to 5 NPS score from your customer. If the value is 0 (zero), then the customer didn't enter a score.
closeDate string The date-time the document was closed.
skippedReasonId string or number The skip reason id (if the visit was skipped). Skip reasons are documented under the "Static Tables" model and end points.
lines array of objects the line items included in the visit

The lines array is composed of objects with the following properties:

Parameter Format Description
actionItem boolean Determines if the line item is a "job type" item. Please refer to our user documentation.
allowRebrand boolean Determines if the user is allowed to change the equipment brand in the job view. Please refer to the our user documentation.
brand string The equipment brand
brandId integer The equipment brand id from your backend system.
description string The description of the item (what shows in the interface).
extraData array of objects An array of objects containing custom field definitions. These field show in the job view, after the stardard fields.
hasBatch boolean Determines if the line-item
hasReturn boolean Determines if the line item has returned items (like empty pallets or empty packages)
id number Your ERP line id. Can be useful to cross check your responses and make the integration process easier.
itemId number Your ERP item id.
jobType string Arbitrary type to classify this job. Could be "delivery", "installation", "repair", etc
location string The location of the service, within your customer premisses. "bar 2nd floor", "kitchen", etc.
model string The model name (related with the equipment brand)
modelId number The model Id from your ERP
qty number The quantity for this item. Defaults to 1.
serialNr string The equipment serial number for this job.
serialNrId number Your ERP serialNr Id. Useful for integration purposes.

The extraData array is composed of objects with the following properties:

Parameter Format Description
caption string The field name to show to the user.
description string An optional description to show above the caption, intructing the user on how to fill in that field.
max integer The max value for the field (only applies to numeric fields)
min integer The min value for the field (only applies to numeric fields)
name string The field name as saved to the database.
pattern string A regexp expression to validate the field against.
step number The html5 step value for the field (only applies to numeric fields)
type string The field html5 type.

Get a specific visit

curl ""
  -H "Authorization: Bearer MY_API_KEY"
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Make sure to replace MY_API_KEY by your API_KEY

The above command returns a JSON representation of the visit with ID = 1 and with the same structure as the "get all visits" endpoint..

This endpoint retrieves a specific visit by ID.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Format Description
ID string The ID of the visit to retrieve

Add visits

curl ""
  -H "Authorization: Bearer MY_API_KEY"
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  --data $'{...}' # a visit object array

Make sure to replace MY_API_KEY by your API_KEY

The data object in the above command should be a "visits" array with a JSON structure similar to the below:

        "driverId" : "FEn9BJz93svSNPx7p",
        "name" : "Liam",
        "date" : "2020-03-31",
        "id" : 10816703,
        "docType" : "CALL OUT",
        "docNo" : "H-017623",
        "serviceOrder" : 3,
        "customer" : "The Green Sleeve",
        "siteId" : "30101308",
        "lat" : 57.000000,
        "lng" : -2.000000,
        "site" : "The Green Sleeve",
        "address" : "999 West High Street",
        "postCode" : "AB51 3QR",
        "city" : "INVERURIE",
        "obs" : "Contact Info: The Green Sleeve, John: 01999999999 \r\n AQUARIUS TONE7/3 2001 - Side of the shop\r\nAccess 9am - 5.30pm\r\nNo parking onsite ",
        "contactPerson" : "John",
        "contactPhone" : "01999999999",
        "emailMandatory" : "1",
        "priority" : "3",
        "showItemsOnOrderSection" : "1",
        "hideEquipmentDetails" : "0",
        "hideDeliveryItemsSection" : "0",
        "signeeName" : "John",
        "signeeEmail" : "",
        "subContractorIds" : [ 
            "My Subcontractor"
        "territory" : "AB-Aberdeen",
        "useStartPauseStopStyleButtonsInJobs" : "1",
        "inMobileApp" : "1",
        "NPSMandatory" : "1",
        "precedencePriorityVisit" : "0",
        "closeVisitOnLastJobClose" : "0",
        "country" : "GB",
        "companyId" : "LPeaJNaLQT6RqcFdt",
        "time_windows" : [ 
                "earliest" : 30600,
                "latest" : 64800
        "required_skills" : [ 
            "Hot water technician",
        "allowed_vehicles" : [],
        "confirmClose" : "1",
        "inProgress" : "0",
        "closed" : "1",
        "skipped" : "0",
        "duration" : 2100

The request returns JSON similar to the below

  "meta": {
    "recordsUpdated": 5,
    "recordsInserted": 3,
    "errors": [
          "error": 404,
          "message": "error description"
  "data" : null

This endpoint inserts/updates a new/existing visits.

HTTP Request


URL body

Pass an array of visit objects, each with the following properties:

Parameter Format Required Description
driverId string yes The driver id for this visit
name string no The driver name for this visit
date string yes The expected date for this service
id number yes Your ERP id (or unique reference) for this visit. This field is mandatory because we need a unique reference to the visit to check if it already exists.
docType string no the document type associated with the visit
docNo string yes the document number associated with the visit
serviceOrder number no The sequential order in which the service must be done (relative to the other visits). If you use LetsJobIt routing, routes will be sequenced and this value will be overwritten.
customer string yes The customer name
siteId number no Your ERP customer address id. Useful for integrations.
lat number no the address latitude. If absent, the address will be geocoded.
lng number no the address longitude. If absent, the address will be geocoded.
site string no the site (address) description. This can be an add-on to the address field.
address string yes
postCode string no
city string yes
obs string no the visit observations.
contactPerson string no the name of the contact person at the customer
contactPhone string no the phone number of the contact person at the customer
emailMandatory number no Determines if the email field in the client signature screen is mandatory. 1 for true, 0 for false.
priority number no the service/delivery priority, from 1 to 10: 1 - highest priority, 10 - lowest priority.
showItemsOnOrderSection number no Determines if the items on order section in the job view is visible. 1 to show, 0 to hide.
hideEquipmentDetails number no Determines if the equipment details section on the job view (top) is visible. 0 to show, 1 to hide.
hideDeliveryItemsSection number no If the delivery items sections is shown in the job view. 1 - hide, 0 - show.
signeeName string no The name of the customer contact that signed on visit close.
signeeEmail string no The email of the customer contact that signed on visit close.
subContractorIds string array no The sub-contractor name(s) related with this visit. If more than one, they'll be supplied in a comma separated list. The leftmost name is the sub-contractor to which the visit is intended (or the one that completed the visit). If there is no sub-contractor, this field is returned as null.
territory string no The geographic territory associated to the visit.
useStartPauseStopStyleButtonsInJobs number no If the job shows start/pause/stop buttons as opposed to showing only a start/finish button. This option allows you to pause one job (lunch, have to start another job and come back to this one...) and resume it afterwards.
inMobileApp number no Pass "1" if the visit is supposed to be assigned to an engineer/driver and, thus, available in her mobile app or "0" if it's not. Please refer to our online docs.
NPSMandatory number no Pass "1" to make the NPS mandatory or "0" to make it optional. Please refer to our online docs.
precedencePriorityVisit number no Pass "1" to make this visit a "priority visit" or "0" to make it a regular visit. Please refer to our online docs.
closeVisitOnLastJobClose number no Pass "1" to close the visit when you close the last job or "0" to force the engineer/driver to close the visit in the usual way. Please refer to our online docs.
country string no The 2 letters of the country code top-level domain.
companyId string yes your company ID as recorded at LetsJobIt
time_windows array of objects no The opening/closing times of your customer. You can have several time slots for the same customer (for instance, a customer may be opened from 8am to 1pm and from 3pm to 5pm). Please see below.
required_skills array of strings no The skills required for this visit.
allowed_vehicles array of strings no The vehicles allowed for this visit (you may want to restrict the visit for only a few engineers/drivers).
duration number no The total duration in seconds of all the service jobs in the visit. This duration is only theoretical and corresponds to the durations you've eventually sent for every service job in the visit, for routing purposes.
lines array of objects no the line items included in the visit

The time_windows array is composed of objects with the following properties:

Parameter Format Description
earliest number The opening time (in seconds from midnight).
latest number The closing time (in seconds from midnight).

The lines array is composed of objects with the following properties:

Parameter Format Required Description
actionItem boolean yes Determines if the line item is a "job type" item. Please refer to our user documentation.
allowRebrand boolean no Determines if the user is allowed to change the equipment brand in the job view. Please refer to the our user documentation.
brand string no The equipment brand
brandId integer no The equipment brand id from your backend system.
description string yes The description of the item (what shows in the interface).
extraData array of objects no An array of objects containing custom field definitions. These field show in the job view, after the stardard fields.
hasBatch boolean no Determines if the line-item
hasReturn boolean no Determines if the line item has returned items (like empty pallets or empty packages)
id number no Your ERP line id. Can be useful to cross check your responses and make the integration process easier.
itemId number no Your ERP item id.
jobType string no Arbitrary type to classify this job. Could be "delivery", "installation", "repair", etc
location string no The location of the service, within your customer premisses. "bar 2nd floor", "kitchen", etc.
model string no The model name (related with the equipment brand)
modelId number no The model Id from your ERP
qty number no The quantity for this item. Defaults to 1.
serialNr string no The equipment serial number for this job.
serialNrId number no Your ERP serialNr Id. Useful for integration purposes.

The extraData array is composed of objects with the following below. Custome fields defined here will show in the service line items.

Parameter Format Required Description
type string yes The field html5 type. One of text,date,number,email,color,range or select. See here.
caption string yes The field name to show to the user.
description string no An optional description to show above the caption, intructing the user on how to fill in that field.
value string or number no The default value you want this field to have.
required string no Pass "required" if you want this field to be required in the app.
readonly string no Pass "readonly" if you want this field to be readonly in the app.
options_values string no Only used if the type is select. The option values for the field, separated by pipes. Example: "option1 | option2".
options_default string no Only used if the type is select. The default value for the select options.
max integer no The max value for the field (only applies to numeric fields)
min integer no The min value for the field (only applies to numeric fields)
name string yes The field name as saved to the database.
pattern string no A regexp expression to validate the field against. Example: [0-9]+([\.,][0-9]+)?
step number no The html5 step value for the field (only applies to numeric fields)

Update a specific visit

curl ""
  -X PUT
  -H "Authorization: Bearer MY_API_KEY"
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  --data $'{"date": "2018-12-20",
                "driverId": "12345",
                "obs": "No parking available"}'

Make sure to replace MY_API_KEY by your API_KEY

The above command updates the date, driverId and obs fields in the visit with ID = 1. The returns JSON will be similar to the below:

  "meta": {
    "updatedRecords": 1
  "data" : null

This endpoint updates a specific visit.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Format Description
ID string The ID of the visit to delete

Delete a specific visit

curl ""
  -H "Authorization: Bearer MY_API_KEY"

Make sure to replace MY_API_KEY by your API_KEY

The above command deletes the visit with ID = 1 and returns JSON similar to the below:

  "meta": {
    "deletedRecords": 1
  "data" : null

This endpoint deletes a specific visit.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Format Description
ID string The ID of the visit to delete


The Kittn API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
403 Forbidden -- The kitten requested is hidden for administrators only.
404 Not Found -- The specified kitten could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a kitten with an invalid method.
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json.
410 Gone -- The kitten requested has been removed from our servers.
418 I'm a teapot.
429 Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many kittens! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.